Monday, March 31, 2014

Broken in Beauty.

Earth. It’s a wild, strange place because it’s the only one of its’ kind. Most say it’s a beautiful place filled with laughs and smiles but that is just an allusion. The world is a cruel place filled with empty minds and actions. But it is well hidden in beautiful lies that even I fell in love with. The rainbows and flowers distract you from the messes around as that is what we fall in love with. This place is so far from perfect, striving off of death and life but somehow is so broken in beauty that you can’t help but find it breath taking. But in this place, this world, danger is well alive and risk is an ability long lost from our minds. We all live with a fear of something going wrong; but nothing goes the way you want anyways. We think if we take that chance to cliff jump or sail to unknown islands we will only encounter death. One of my favorite quotes is, “To die would be an awfully big adventure.” but we are so scared of what happens to us when our blood stops running threw our veins, so we hide. We never take a risk as we play everything safe. But safe isn’t living. Safe is just making sure your breath is always steady and your mind is at ease. Living is going to places that you can’t explain, dreaming the impossible, and taking up every opportunity. Living is being so drunk on happiness and being okay with everything around you without fear.    
I don’t know what we are suppose to do with this place. I don’t think anyone does and that scares us because we don’t know what the meaning of life truly is. we rule this world in fear. And if we are chosen to lead every breathing thing on this planet we should know the things that make up this world. But instead we build and build as we think these walls will protect us from the disasters outside; but we are the disasters. And maybe if we stopped to learn about people and stopped being scared of the unknown we could get somewhere. Because this world is nothing more then cells and Atoms and if that’s all the world is, why do we fear it? Why do we fear the people, the animals and the ocean? Why are we scared of the world changing? We can’t change much in this world but we can change our view. And maybe we aren’t suppose to love this place but we need to keep it. Keep it close because where will we go when this is all gone? The galaxy is big, enormous, infinite for all we know and maybe their is going to be another place for us but what would ever make that place more special then here? This world was made for us and if we never love it or protect it what was even the point of us getting it? This world is so broken, so cruel, and so painful but there is a beauty that hides in those imperfections that the world holds tight. Because maybe we are also an imperfection in this world.